PSAT Practice Test Day for Grades 9, 10 & 11

Posted February 12, 2025

Northfield students in grades 9, 10 and 11 will engage in a P/SAT practice test on Monday, Feb. 24; Class of 2025 Seniors are excused from school for the day. There are no regular stripe day classes; instead students should arrive to school no later than 9:30 a.m. and report to their 3rd period class. Testing will end at 12:24 p.m. Following completion of the test, teachers will engage in a testing debrief with students; students are released from school at 12:45 p.m. Students with extended testing accommodations will finish at 1:15 p.m. A grab and go lunch option is available for students in the cafeteria following dismissal. Northfield student-athletes can remain in the Great Hall until practices begin.

In addition to providing students with an opportunity to complete a full-length practice test prior to the P/SAT in April, the P/SAT Practice Day allows for personalized practice within Princeton Review and data for targeted instruction based on areas of growth.

Odd/Gold classes will resume on Tuesday, Feb. 25, for all students. For questions, please email