Mental Health

The mission of Northfield High School’s Mental Health team is to provide the highest quality evidence-based prevention for suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse by training, supporting, and empowering both peer


The mission of Northfield High School’s Mental Health team is to provide the highest quality evidence-based prevention for suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse by training, supporting, and empowering both peer leaders and caring adults to impact their world through the power of connection, hope, help and strength. 


We believe that many strengths are more powerful than one, and our united goal is to activate and mobilize these strengths in ways that positively change individuals and communities.

Criteria for Referring to School-Based Therapy at Northfield High School

*Referrals to school-based therapy may be made by school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers and administrators.

Mental Health Resources

Alec TrussellSchool
Tyler MaldonadoSchool Social

Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you or your teen.

Colorado Crisis Center

Immediate, confidential, 24/7 support for a mental-health crisis. Walk-in and phone options available.

Rainbow Alley

Safe and brave space to support LGBTQ youth and their allies ages 11 – 21. Drop-space, youth-led activities, counseling and support, and health services.

Second Wind Fund

Therapy for youth expressing suicidal thoughts and feelings. Up to 12 sessions free of cost. This organization will work with youth to make therapy as accessible as possible.

Mental Health Center of Denver

Accessible community mental health. This is a great place to start for mental health services in Denver.

Denver Family Institute

Comprehensive individual, couples, and family therapy with a specialty in addiction counseling.

Families First

Parenting and family support groups in Denver.
Support line available for immediate parenting concerns.

Asian Pacific Development Center

Integrated health care for Asian American, Pacific Islander, immigrant, and refugee communities.

El Centro de las Familias

Una división del Centro de Salud Mental de Denver.
A division of Mental Health Center of Denver for Spanish speakers. Culturally appropriate comprehensive mental health care.
866-527-3264 (Español)

Denver Indian Health and Family Services

Full service Indian health hospital.

Substance Use and Prevention Resources

Welcome to our page of resources and information about substance use prevention. Please contact your counselor for help navigating these resources. We understand that getting help can feel overwhelming. We’re here to support you!

Connecting as a Form of Prevention

Please read this important blog post from our partners at the DPS Substance Use Prevention Program about connection and the the relationship between youth who experience higher levels of connectedness as teens and the decrease in risk of mental health challenges, violence, sexual risks, and substance use of those youth.

Be the Influence

As you may know, Denver Public Schools is partnering with an organization called Be the Influence (BTI). BTI is a parent support program for a network of parents who are dedicated to doing all they can to keep their teens safe and away from drugs for as long as possible. BTI provides access to a secure database of this network of Denver parents who pledge to host teen parties free of alcohol, marijuana, nicotine and other drugs. BTI sends out bi-monthly newsletters to its parents with parenting tips and facts about different drugs. There is also an option for parents to receive these newsletters without making the pledge. We invite you to check out for more information about this community.

To view BTI’s latest Blog on teen use of marijuana – with information on the latest trends, products and studies. Learn more about health effects and other risks for teen use of marijuana.

Information on Vaping

Please take a look at these flyers regarding teen vaping. Youth Vaping Flyer and Parents/Adults Flyer


This website has many different resources for community events/support and drug and alcohol treatment. This is a great place to start.

This is a link to the DenverRAP Activity Calendar for December. This calendar provides information on free activities happening in the Denver area. You can also have information about free activities happening in Denver sent directly to your phone by texting “DenverRAP” to 67076.

Speak Now

Quick, relatable tips to talk to your teen about drug and alcohol use.

speaknow graphic

Social & Emotional Supports

Our mission is to actively support the academic and social-emotional success of all Northfield students. We advocate for students to receive appropriate mental health support and obtain an equal public education in a safe and secure environment. We collaborate with Northfield staff, parents/guardians, outside community resources, and students to ensure that all Northfield students can access the general education.