Northfield’s Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is a vital part of our school community, responsible for advising on key decisions, allocating resources, and fostering collaboration among parents, teachers, and administrators. Serving on the CSC provides members with a platform to actively contribute to the educational experience at Northfield High School.
The CSC includes parent/guardian representatives, students, teachers, staff, and community members. CSC meetings are held quarterly in Building 5, Room 119, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tentative meeting dates are Sept. 25, Nov. 20, Jan. 29 and May 7 (Wednesdays). These dates are subject to change with advance notice given to CSC members.
Learn more about the Northfield CSC, including Major Improvement Strategies.
Northfield High School Foundation Priorities
Most fundraising for Northfield falls into the following categories:
We appreciate the financial and in-kind support of our parents and guardians community, community partners and grant donors in supporting Northfield High School. Financial support is shared through:
Families and community members interested in supporting Northfield, please take a moment to provide information by filling out the volunteer interest form.
Volunteer Verification
Learn more information about volunteer verification.