Counseling Overview


The Northfield Counseling department’s vision is that all students are able to become well rounded, compassionate, engaged members of their communities.


The Northfield Counseling Department’s mission is to ensure all students receive the academic, career, and social emotional support needed to become versatile and well rounded individuals who are able to fulfill their own vision of their post secondary success. Our department promotes this by identifying and overcoming barriers by collaborating with stakeholders to support all students through the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program.

Northfield Counseling in Action

We spend at least 80% of our time providing student services. These services include academic advisement to increase achievement and engagement, personal/social counseling to decrease barriers to academics, and career and college counseling to increase motivation and achievement. Whether we are running groups at lunch time, leading school-wide initiatives, helping students complete their Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP), or assisting a student through a crisis your School Counselors are passionate about what they do and are intentional in their work.

Northfield High School Counselors use data, the School Performance Framework and the Unified Improvement Plan to create annual goals that are measured and reported on each year. We focus on the achievement of ALL students so we can close gaps that exist in graduation rates, academics, and success. We collaborate with community based organizations and school staff to better the lives of our students and take a leadership role so we can better advocate for our kids.

Connect with a Counselor

Northfield counselors are paired with students by last name and alphabetical order. Schedule an appointment with your Northfield counselor.